What The Garden Guys Can Teach Us About Love


Gardening has a lot in common with finding, growing and keeping love. Let’s look at some principles from the garden and see how they apply to loving relationships.

#1  Prepare Your Soil Before You Plant. 

Just like plants don’t grow in soil that is undernourished or too hard, love doesn’t grow in a hard and starved heart. Do what you can to nurture yourself so that you can be softer when you are with family and friends.  It will make a difference when you are out in the dating world.

#2  Protect Your Garden From Pests.

What are the pests that hamper your love life? Are friends and co-workers a source of scrutiny and negativity? Are family members interfering in your relationship? Every relationship has to find ways to put a protective, semi-permeable barrier around itself. If you are dating, you need to surround yourself with people who believe in love and inspire you while blocking out the noise of those who lead you to fear and self-doubt.

#3  Don’t Pull Up the Plants to See How the Roots Are Doing.

In the early stages of a romantic relationship, it is tempting to check in to see how things are going. Don’t do this too early. You put the other person “on the spot” when you say seemingly innocuous things like, “where do you see this relationship going?” after only two or three dates. Relax. Chill out. Take your time and get to know the other person before trying to define things.

#4 Plants Need Water, Sunlight and Nutrition to Survive.

And in just the right amounts. Don’t drown another person with gifts, texts, invitations and accolades. Keep it steady, but not overwhelming. Likewise, don’t be too stingy with the good stuff. Relationships thrive on the right amounts of attention and affection and everyone is different in what makes them feel loved and cared for. Pay attention to the fruits of your relationship to see if you have the right combination.

#5 For Plants to Grow, You’ve Got to Keep the Weeds Under Control.

Sometimes the “weeds” in relationships are close by and choking the life out of it. These weeds can be so entangled that it is almost impossible to discern the weed from the plant. Weeds like this show up as thinking about past hurts or feelings of unworthiness. Left un-recognized and unchecked, these thoughts can crush an otherwise promising relationship. Start noticing your thoughts and questioning their veracity. You may find some of these “weeds” become easy to remove when you take a good look at them. 

#6 Learn to Survive the Hurricanes and Marauders.

I happen to know the Garden Guys and I know that these beautiful rows of corn were enjoyed only by some pesky raccoons and skunks that had figured their way around #2. Later, the fall planting was undone by warm weather and two deluges. What are you going to do when something similar happens in your love life? Do you swear off ever loving again? Or do you lick your wounds, learn what you can and get back in the garden?

#7 When the Harvest Comes In, Relish It!!

It is a real miracle when a little seed grows into a beautiful plant and even more of a miracle when that plant gives us nourishing food to eat. Appreciate the fruits of your loving relationships. Never take them for granted. Smile. Treasure the gift.

Kate Freiman-Fox, Ph.D.