
Functional Therapy

“Functional Therapy? I’ve never heard of that. Sounds intriguing!”

Authentic Connections uses this term to describe therapy that aims to teach you some new skills or refresh some you might have forgotten. Sometimes when people hear the word “therapy” it brings to mind laying on a couch looking up to the ceiling and talking endlessly about your mother or your dreams. Sometimes talking about your mom or your dreams is necessary and often quite interesting, but many people seek the help of a therapist because something isn’t working quite right in their lives or they are in a lot of pain. They want relief. They want to learn something they haven’t been able to do on their own. They want their lives to function better in a particular way.

If you decide to work with me (Dr. Kate), you will work on specific goals. Those goals and the pace of therapy are totally up to you. We may need to explore some areas in depth and that can be painful sometimes. Trust me that the goal is not to keep you in a state of pain, but to help you work through past hurts to come out on the other side with a greater sense of freedom and self-love.

In choosing a therapist, it is good to look at their past experiences to decide if they might be a good fit for you. I’ve had the greatest experience working with inmates in a federal prison – both in individual and group therapy. I also taught many classes and love to teach. Upon retiring from that career, I worked as a matchmaker for four years in the NC triangle. I have great skill in helping people manage what may appear to be desperate situations. I also have an in-depth understanding of what gets in the way for people wanting to find romantic relationships or wanting to keep them.

This therapy is grounded in the belief that we are all responsible for our own lives, so personal agency is something that will get a great deal of attention. It is sometimes easy to feel that everything is beyond our control. Functional therapy will help identify the changes that are possible so that your life works better. I will serve as a guide, an encourager, an interruption and as a trusted partner along the way should we decide to work together.

Feel free to call for a complimentary 30-minute introduction to see if this model might be a good fit for your needs.
