Your Unique Snowflake Self


Hey! You’re a Snowflake!!

Apparently, it is really true that no two snowflakes are alike. It’s scientifically proven, even though we cannot retrieve all the snowflakes that ever fell or will ever fall and examine them under a microscope. In the PBS video, “The Science of Snowflakes,” Joe Hanson explains why this is so. I’m not even going to attempt to explain the science but check out the video if you are curious.

My new friend, Joe Hanson, says that the “unique snowflake/unique human” metaphor is one of the most overused of all time. That may be true, but I’m not ashamed to be cliché in the quest to remind you of your personal magnificence. 

One of my great joys as the principle matchmaker at Authentic Connections is conducting Discovery Interviews. I get to meet complete strangers and spend a couple of hours in their home talking about their past and current love life as well as their hopes and dreams for a future beautiful love connection. It is a humbling experience as people unfold before my eyes. At the end of the interview, I feel connected to, and inspired by, the wonderful human being I’ve gotten to know.

While I’m continually inspired by my clients, I don’t always know that they feel that same way about themselves. So today, I am shouting out to my clients and to all of the wonderful people I have met over the course of this month, year and lifetime that I SEE YOU! I see the beauty of you and the light in you. You are a unique gift to the world and there is no one else who can be a better you. 

While you are basking in the glow of your own unique greatness, take the time to notice the special bright light shining within those around you. That light isn’t always glaringly obvious. Sometimes it takes a while to reveal itself. Be patient with yourself and others as you look for the light.

In the dating world this means being willing to go on a first date even though the other person doesn’t meet all your selection criteria. It means taking the time to REALLY get to know another person. It means going on a second date even if you aren’t positive where this relationship is going. It means loving your self enough to believe that someone else might love you too. When you open your heart to let others in, you’ve got a chance to find the connection you’ve been longing for.

Wishing you a holiday season full of peace, joy, light and love!

Dr. Kate Freiman-Fox