The Many Faces of Love

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As a matchmaker I suppose I should be getting all misty-eyed since it is February and Valentine’s Day is approaching. As a person who spent a large portion of my adult years unattached, I grew to have a slight aversion to Valentine’s Day. During those single years, where were my two dozen roses? Where was the diamond studded locket? Being married now for 18 years, Valentine’s Day is still no big deal in our house. I don’t much like roses and I’m likely to see a locket as an extravagant expense. I do have the holiday tradition of making a heart-shaped meatloaf and I never forget a card for my hubby and son. We are not “over the top,” but we do try to celebrate.

Even if Valentine’s Day is over-hyped and over-commercialized, we can still use February as a great time to reflect on love. In my life and work I see many manifestations of love from my friends, family and clients. Let me share some I’ve seen this year. Maybe it can give you some creative ideas of your own to put love into practice this month!

·       Taking care of a disabled sister.

·       Sitting by a hospitalized friend’s bedside

·       Making supper for someone

·       Throwing a party

·       Saying you’re sorry

·       Truly forgiving someone

·       Saying thank you

·       Hugging

·       Giving a foot rub

·       Sending a card

·       Sharing your joy for life with everyone you meet

·       Giving gifts

·       Telling the truth, even when it is hard

·       Smiling

·       Dressing up

·       Trying something new with a friend….like bungee jumping!

·       Giving genuine compliments

·       Asking if they need anything when you go to the grocery store

·       Telling your friends and loved ones about the difference they make in your life

·       Going to a museum to see their favorite artist

·       Going to see their favorite band

·       Calling them just to let them know you are thinking of them

·       Playing their favorite board game

·       Etc., etc.!!

Happy February! Happy Making Love Happen Every Day!

Kate Freiman-Fox, Ph.D.