Dog Fashion Sense


Do You Have As Much Sense of Style as Dr. Kate’s Dog?

By Susan Preston of Geek Adonis

Guest Contributor

When Kate presented this provocative title to me for the July newsletter, I definitely wanted to explore it further because I’ve met Rocky and he is a mighty fine dog.

Turns out that what Kate was talking about is that Rocky often responds to her style of dress with differing levels of enthusiasm. His most joyful response to her of course is when she’s wearing her dog-walking outfit; no surprise there! Kate also reports that Rocky will look at her somewhat wistfully when she’s dressed to head out for a business meeting. She added that he has an even different canine response when she’s headed out to a Singles’ Event but I’m not entirely sure that I believe that one although he is a smart fellow.

This started me thinking that my favorite and most oft-repeated mantra “people respond to you based on how you’re dressed” may actually cross species!  This further emphasizes how important it is to project the image you want to present to the world when you walk out your front door.

As a professional stylist, I’ve heard many reasons from my clients why they feel they shouldn’t have to do this. Do any of these sound familiar?

“I’m just more comfortable in shorts and T-shirts.”

“It shouldn’t matter how I look; it’s inside that counts.”

“Why should I dress to impress at work? I’m good at my job and that’s what matters.”

“I don’t have to dress a certain way to meet a new woman/man. If they’re that shallow, they’re not for me anyway.”

Believe me when I say it DOES matter. When you take the time and make the effort to dress better in well-fitting and flattering clothes, you’re telling the world that you care about your appearance. You’re confident. You’re self-assured. You’re into self-care. If you’re taking care of your personal appearance you’re perceived as being more competent and more trustworthy. And able to take care of important matters in your life, like your job and people you care about.

So give your appearance more than just a passing thought…and others will sit up and take notice! Maybe even your best canine friend J

You can find Susan at: