Emotional Freedom


This July 4th, Celebrate Freedom - Emotional Freedom!!

As we enjoy our nation’s Independence Day, I asked my dear friend, Susan Ahlstrom, to write about FREEDOM, specifically emotional freedom. She shared some of the ways that Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), more commonly known as Tapping, can help us to break free of the emotional ties that bind us -- those thoughts and feelings that hold us back in life and love. Susan’s even used EFT/Tapping to help me work on a fear of flying that showed up recently.  Here’s Susan………

EFT/Tapping is an easily mastered, self-care tool that can address everything from pre-date jitters to crippling anxiety. I’ve helped clients deal with feeling unworthy or unattractive. I’ve helped them tackle other old beliefs that negatively impacted their relationships and dating experience. Working through these issues using EFT/Tapping helped pave the way for relationship success.

George Cohan’s classic patriotic song, Grand Old Flag, starts with the lines, “There's a feeling comes a-stealing, And it sets my brain a-reeling… “ referring to when the band strikes up an old familiar song like Yankee Doodle. That’s how easily how our mind and emotions can get swept away by feelings. When the feeling that “comes a-stealing” isn’t positive, however, it can rob us of health and happiness.

When it comes to dating, EFT/Tapping can help us get ready to open up and let the love in. Dating can be an emotional roller coaster at times. Getting “out there” and gearing up for the ride is often hard for people. Old fears and hidden insecurities can rise quickly to the surface when we step into a vulnerable space. Starting a new love relationship is definitely one of those places!

During a session, the client is guided through a conversation that inspires self-reflection while literally tapping on a series of specific points on the body. The process of checking in with your thoughts and feelings while stimulating these energy points works to help clear confusion and prepare the mind and body to problem solve. Other energy techniques that may sound familiar are Reiki, reflexology, or yoga. EFT/Tapping uses Meridian or acupressure points that run through the body. Studies have shown that stimulating these points can actually calm the central nervous system.

When Tapping, the client first rates the intensity of their emotional feeling or problem on a scale from 0 - 10. This helps to give a clear perspective on where they stand with an issue and to begin to check in with themselves. If the intensity level is at a 10, a person simply cannot think straight. The goal is to get their number down so they can feel relief and find clarity.

An advantage of Tapping is that it is easy to learn. It can even benefit the youngest of minds. In working with children, I’ve asked, “Do you know when you get angry or frustrated? These points are like buttons you can push to get rid of that feeling.” At the risk of overstating its effectiveness, it is almost that simple. Tapping can help reduce stress and anxiety and eliminate troubling feelings that hinder our health and happiness. It has even been approved for use in VA Hospitals to help patients with PTSD.

Tapping can help us take control of our thoughts and feelings. It can help us feel brave and free and ready for the dating experience. If we allow ourselves to enter into new relationships with the eyes of a child, carefree and full of wonder, we’ll be better able to wave our own flag with a free and loving heart.


Susan Ahlstrom is a Certified EFT Professional, MS in Counseling, and Reiki Master. She provides coaching and mentoring to youth and adults for increased self- awareness and self- mastery. Clients are supported in a safe and compassionate way to calm their most pressing concerns while learning self- care skills to bring more ease into everyday life. For a limited time, Susan is offering a special introductory rate for friends of Authentic Connections. For more information, she can be reached by email at Tappingtime@gmail.com.