Does Your Home Look Like You?


Does Your Home Look Like You?

Does your home match the way you dress & present yourself to others?  Or would visitors say your home doesn’t look anything like you?  This usually isn’t a compliment!

Frequently home décor isn’t given the thought & action needed to invite others over without significant lead time, if at all!!

Here are some ideas to help your home rise up to meet you:

Clean.  If you don’t have time to do it yourself, hire a professional service to thoroughly clean everything, including carpets & upholstery.  Give attention to windows & the exterior.

De-clutter.  Donate unused or left over items.  Paperwork is not pretty or interesting.  Remove it from the counter or table & place it in a drawer or decorative box. 

Furniture.  A few good pieces will elevate your home to represent you.  Include new pillows, lighting & art. 

Bathroom.  Extra cleaning!  Include clean hand towels, soap, garbage can, & plenty of toilet paper in your bathroom.  A room scent is a nice touch.  Put all other items in a vanity or closet.

Bedroom.  If you want to get intimate with someone, your bedroom should be inviting. The same decluttering rules apply here. Also, make sure your sheets are clean and in good condition. You don’t need a worn-out fitted sheet suddenly not fitting anymore. Nor should there be photos of family members staring at you and your prospective lover from the bedside table.  Animal hair is not a turn on, so come up with a solution if your pet likes to sleep on the bed.

Soul.  The good stuff!  This represents a little of your past, a lot of where you are presently in life  & a sprinkle of your future intentions.

Past:  Include the best of life events with photos & objects.  Edit!  Less is more.

Present:  Show your current passions in art  & photos, maybe a display cart with items from your travels or interests.

Future:  Provide a glimpse of what your future plans are. Books are a wonderful way to reveal your desired destiny.

I have given you a very basic list to get your home in shape & give you the confidence to ask, “would you like to come to my place tonight?”  The bonus is you will enjoy relaxing in your new updated home that reflects who you are right now!! 

Cathy Scheib