Spring Closet Clean Out

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Spring Cleaning Means Taking a Good Look at Your Wardrobe

by Susan Preston of Geek Adonis

As the warm temperatures have teased us with thoughts of spring, that means it’s time to take a good, long look at what lies in your closet. Do you have clothes that you haven’t worn since Bush (the younger one) was President? Are there outfits that are no longer the right size and just might be the wrong color for you? All of us have fallen victim to a ‘great bargain’ that we just couldn’t pass up on that clearance rack and it probably still has the original price tag attached. Not such a bargain after all!

Most people actually wear 20% of what’s in their closets 90% of the time. If you want a fresh, new look for spring, a closet review should be the first item on your list for spring cleaning! Here are some helpful hints to get you started:

Be meticulous with each item in your wardrobe. Try it on. Ask yourself if the item is in style, is the right fit and determine if it is a flattering color for you. Remember that just because you like a color doesn’t mean it’s a good one for you to wear.

Be honest with yourself. Are you keeping an item of clothing because it’s as comfortable and familiar as an old shoe? If so, it very likely is past its prime and should be replaced with something newer, more vibrant and makes you feel attractive.

You may have a few pieces in your spring wardrobe that really are dynamite but don’t match anything else you own. So you’re probably not wearing them! Make it a priority to shop this spring for slacks or a top that will complete that outfit.

Finally, be firm. If a piece of clothing or a pair of shoes just no longer work for you and are in decent condition, donate them to one of the many worthwhile charitable organizations in the area where you know they will be put to good use.